
Hengyee Catholic High School was founded in 1934, in the province of Chahaer in Mainland China. Soon after its foundation the Chinese communists took over the mainland and the school was closed due to the turbulence of war.

The founder of the school is a Catholic religious order called the Disciples of the Lord, the first of the only two male Chinese religious congregations. Cardinal Celso Costantini, the first delegate of Vatican dispatched to China, founded the congregation, whose purpose mainly was to proclaim the Gospel among the Chinese both in China and overseas, and by means of cultural forms. Education has been one of the significant ways of their proclamation.

In 1958, Hengyee was rebuilt in Hsinchuang, a prosperously developing town in north Taiwan, R.O.C. The Disciples have been faithfully running the school according to their founder’s will, and now it has become one of the biggest and famous high schools in north Taiwan.

The first chairman of the board of directors was Archbishop Joseph Kuo, a member of the Disciples, and he never retired until his death in 1995. Rev. John B. Chai, belonging to the same congregation, succeeded to the chair and is still in position serving the youngster. All of the directors are from the Disciples except for a few devoted lay Catholics temporarily.

The Spirit

" Wisdom, justice, courage, continence" are the four virtues that Hengyee keeps infusing in all school activities. And the two Chinese characters for the school name " Heng-Yee(恆毅)", meaning patience and endurance, are actually the required qualities for the formation of those virtues.

Hengyee has a differential slogan composed of four four-character sentences: "自然真實,掌握資訊,邁入世界,迎向未來", which means: " To be natural and true, to be timely informed, to be involved in the world, and to march into the future." This slogan maintains reminding both the students and the staff of the principles and objectives of education to be both theoretic and practical.

The goals Hengyee aims at for its members are both excellent and achievable under the patronage and guidance of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. So Hengyee experience always offers a religious, humanistic and academic atmosphere, within which Hengyeers enjoy working, studying and playing.


The Campus

The Hengyee campus is at the center of Xinzhuang Dist, the biggest town of the biggest county (New Taipei City) of Taiwan, and is a few minutes from a MRT, many bus stops, and most of the business districts near Taipei. On this large campus of 39830 square kilometers, you will find quality facilities, maker classroom, virtual Studio,laboratory,rock climbing facilities, a spacious auditorium, 18 basketball courts, a standard track-and-field course, a good many tall green trees, and birds rarely seen in cities. And a quality swimming pool. This campus thus provides an ideal place to study in preparation for admission to a good senior high school or a university in Taiwan or in other nations.




Tradition and Service

Since 1958 Hengyee has earned a reputation for excellence as one of Taiwan's most prestigious high schools. A big percentage of past students have become celebrities in politics, business, and in academic fields. Some of the leading officials in the Central Government are graduates from Hengyee. The excellent tradition has been based upon and mainly built up with the full service offered by the fully dedicated board of directors and the staff. Hengyee takes care of every student's daily needs, in terms of health, studies, manners, counseling, boarding, etc.





